Bite This! Pet Balm


Dogs can’t wear shoes, so their paw pads become thick and hard, in the same way that we get callouses on our feet.

This Balm prevents this from happening to our furry friends! It protects paw pads from thickening and hardening, which eventually leads to painful cracking.

Come in a 4 oz. jar. Ingredients: Coconut oil, olive oil, beeswax, shea butter and lavender oil

Feel free to call us with questions at 917.403.7380.



Pet Balm is mainly used as a holistic option for dry irritated skin on paws and snouts (noses) as well as dry, itchy patches of skin to soothe and heal the area(s) bringing moisturizing relief and hydration.

It’s non-toxic so it can safely be used for dogs who lick their paws and dogs who bite their skin to relieve the itch.

Additional information

Weight 4 oz